Sex Abuse by Priests in Singapore?

 Every now and then, The New Paper prints something juicy on its cover and I actually read something in print. Last week, there was an article headlined - I Was Victim Of Sex Abuse By Priests
In summary, this Singaporean girl was sexually abused by a priest whom she spent quite a bit of time around. When she told her parents about it, they referred her to another priest for counselling... and then she alleged that that priest took advantage of her and sexually abused her too.

Then she went to Australia to study, became a psychotherapist (WTF!?), and has just written a book about her youth.. including her ordeals growing up and being sexually abused by not one but two Singaporean priests. She is also a single mother of 2 kids (not the priests kids.. don't think until so drama. lol).

Before I give you my take on this... I want to point out, that although I am Catholic... I'm no bible basher... and I'm open to theories or evolution and all that. Also, recently, I'm no longer a practicing Catholic. Long story... but basically, the church wouldn't marry me because David is a divorcee (divorced like almost decade ago). So it kinda made me feel... hmm... excluded. So,while I don't hate my religion and everything it stands for.. there are just some things about it that doesn't work for me. So I just let it be.

Back to the topic today... this girl... my first impression of her (apart from.. OMG what kinda shitty dated and ugly belt is she wearing?) first impression is -something is not right with this chick. Looks like a real bunny boiler.

One might want to give her more credit than deserved.. because she is a 'psychotherapist' by profession. But then again... she got this from Australia... (no offence to those who have earned spots in good universities there).. but generally... isn't it the country Singaporeans go to get a degree when they like can't pass their O Levels?

Also... if the second priest is counselling her.. well aware that she has been telling people that another priest abused her sexually.... why would he be so dumb as to do it as well. He knows this girl will tell people!! Wouldn't like alarm bells have already rung. And wouldn't there be greater scrutiny on the whole situation?Dafug.

So yes, I am waiting for the Catholic church (or relevant authorities) to investigate this whole thing. Will be interesting. My bet is... she's a nut job... that had designs on a priest, and when she realised it wasn't going to happen.. rejection made her tell a fib (that she was sexually abused).

You know, like the kind of girl who gets pregnant on purpose in an attempt to tie you down into a relationship or what. Or the girl you meet at a club ... flirts and then sleeps with you and then says you raped her. A bit psycho.

Anyway, that's my take on it... I don't claim to know for sure. Merely my opinion. For all we know.. maybe everything she says is 100% true. What do you think? You think her story is true?


  1. Anonymous1:46 pm

    i really like to read your blog, n i feel that the girl is lying!

  2. SharonR5:51 pm

    Yup......definitely NQR (NotQuiteRight)

  3. Anonymous3:20 pm

    But come to think of it. If she is lying, wouldn't it be worse off for her cos she has a book and she is a psychotherapist, quite a lot at stake. Even if it's a get-even thing she's trying to pull off, why wait 20 years? Most people after a couple of years, will cool off.

    But then again, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" :P Wonder if the lawyers can use this to fight a court case against her haha.

  4. Anonymous9:29 am

    Having her book boosts her career as a psychotherapist. It's like being able to claim "author & psychotherapist". Lends some sort of credibility, no matter how dubious her story may be. There are people who've bought into her story without giving it any doubt. So she's attained some achievement there.

  5. Anonymous9:52 am

    "But then again... she got this from Australia... (no offence to those who have earned spots in good universities there).. but generally... isn't it the country Singaporeans go to get a degree when they like can't pass their O Levels?"

    I got quite a few friends getting decent grades for 'O' levels and went overseas (Australia) for their studies. Kindly don't look down on them. They enjoy and can have the luxury to study overseas..

    1. Anonymous2:51 pm

      I second that, people who get their degrees from Australia work hard for them too. They don't buy them or get them by luck. It's a sad stereotype.

    2. I'm not saying that everyone with an Aussie degree bought them or got it by luck. Of course there are very intelligent people who get their degrees there too.

      Like I said- "(no offence to those who have earned spots in good universities there)."

      but there are places in Australia where you don't need much academic sucess prior to getting a spot in their institution. And many Singaporeans who don't pass their O levels do end up there.

      That doesn't mean I'm saying all singaporeans who study in Australia are failures in Singapore.

    3. typo on "success" *** just thought I'd point it out before people use it to argue that I'm stupid.

  6. Anonymous11:45 am

    Are some of you chicks for real?!

    1. Singaporeans go to Australia to further their studies because they can and because AU unis are more well-recognised than Sg's especially for Psychology/Psychotherapy degrees. By stating something as ridiculous and narrow-minded as that, Holly Jean, it makes one question the calibre of NUS graduates. But thankfully, one bad apple does not make the entire tree's fruit rotten.

    2. There are teen girls who have been sexually abused by pastors/priests. Married ones at that and yes, in their marital beds. I happen to know one.

    What kind of myopic and misogynistic judgement is "My bet is... she's a nut job... that had designs on a priest, and when she realised it wasn't going to happen.. rejection made her tell a fib (that she was sexually abused)"? I think feminism and gender equality just dropped a hundred notches from that ridiculous, sexist comment.

    1. Anonymous6:35 am

      I don't know how I strayed onto this site but I couldn't agree with your point more.
      Never assume that someone is lying when it comes to sexual abuse, that's disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself, Holly.

  7. Anonymous7:57 am

    Holly I'm really disappointed by your views.

  8. I have never read anything more mortifyingly and ridiculously misogynistic and short-sighted. I feel so sorry that you have an offspring that will grow up in an environment like this. I hope to God something like this never happens to your child because the only thing worse than sexual abuse, is telling her mother about it and from the way you write, what's to stop you from telling HER that's she's a nut job and probably telling fibs?

    It's about time you stop victim blaming and shaming. People like you are the reason victims and survivors choose not to make reports and have justice served


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