1) Take a half body and full length photo (make up/ no make up doesn't matter).
3) Email to include participant's name, age, contact numbers, occupation and clothing size.
It's open to everyone Female (any age, size, etc) and in Singapore on the 22nd of May ( cos that's the set Make Over date).
On the 12th of May, I will reveal my 3 candidates. And these 3 girls will the the Holly Jean Style Make Over experience on the 22nd of May.
We'll get you made up by my make up sponsors ettusais. You'll learn which colours suit you and how to bring out your best features.
Then we'll play dress up with ClubCouture. We'll give you a look that flatters your figure and will make heads turn... and you get to keep the outfit!
And we'll end the day with a professional photoshoot with Pink Elephant Labs. It's going to be fun, I'll be with you every step of the way and... you will have great pics to keep so you'll always remember that day!

Spread the word by tweeting - “I want a Holly Jean Style Make Over! @hollyjean69 http://holly--jean.blogspot.com/2010/04/make-over.html”
Facebooking - “I want a Holly Jean Style Make Over! @holly jean aroozoo http://holly--jean.blogspot.com/2010/04/make-over.html”
hey! why are the results not out yet?