You would think that someone who spends a lot of time in the water, and swims as often as I do, should have naturally well moisturized skin.
I have dehydrated skin. :( To make it worse, it's sensitive too!
So if I'm around so much water all the time, why doesn't my skin just absorb all that water and stay moisturized???
Well, skin is hydrophobic. It has to be! Otherwise, we'd soak up water and bloat up like a sponge everytime we swim or get caught in the rain!
It's important to keep moisture levels in our skin up. Well moisturised skin not only feels and looks good, but it also prevents premature aging. Unfortunately, every day activities and the natural elements (like heat and the wind etc) take a toll on our skin and depletes its moisture.

With everything working against your skin... it's important to give it the help it needs with the right products to replenish moisture. Here are my favourite ettusais products which are part of my twice daily skin care routine.
ettusais AC-Skincare Version Up! ($37, refill $30)

Just use the mask after your moisturizer... So after that you don’t have to do anything anymore! After u remove your mask must remember to pat in the essence!
I have dehydrated skin. :( To make it worse, it's sensitive too!
So if I'm around so much water all the time, why doesn't my skin just absorb all that water and stay moisturized???
Well, skin is hydrophobic. It has to be! Otherwise, we'd soak up water and bloat up like a sponge everytime we swim or get caught in the rain!
It's important to keep moisture levels in our skin up. Well moisturised skin not only feels and looks good, but it also prevents premature aging. Unfortunately, every day activities and the natural elements (like heat and the wind etc) take a toll on our skin and depletes its moisture.
This step is essential! It prepares our naturally hydrophobic skin to absorb moisturiser. This means that all the goodness of the moisturiser which I apply after this step, gets absorbed by my skin.
It's no wonder this is one of the top selling products at ettusais.
Medicated Acne Aqua Shooter Extra (Moisturizing)($41, Refill $36)
This lightweight moisturizer delivers generous amount of moisture deep into the skin, leaving it feeling fresh and hydrated. It makes my Moisture Meter go into overdrive! :) Yet... there's absolutely No Sticky or Greasy feeling because it is so well absorbed into the skin.
When skin is well moisturized, it feels supple, there's no rough patches and it's so soft.
Also available in in an oil control formula for oily skin.
On top of that, I indulge and pamper my skin with a weekly mask.
I use the Medicated Acne Whitening Dual Mask ($49 for a set of 5) from ettusais. Each set has a U-Zone mask and a T-Zone Mask.
Together, the dual masks prevent pimples on the T zone and U zone as well as lighten any imperfections while keeping my skin moisturised.
The U-Zone mask gives extra moisture, prevents dryness and fine lines around the cheeks and chin area. While , the T-Zone mask is specifically for areas of your face more prone to oiliness, that is the forhead and nose.
What I love about the masks is that the essence is so lightweight, it absorbs easily into the skin. Plus having a sheet mask come in 2 sections makes it easier to put and adjust.
Just use the mask after your moisturizer... So after that you don’t have to do anything anymore! After u remove your mask must remember to pat in the essence!
I have been using this product for 3 weeks now, and I am pleased with the results so far. My skin doesn't feel tight after swimming or washing my face... and even when I have a rough day out in the wind and sun, my skin doesn't dry up or get rough.
Knowing that my skin is well protected and moisturized makes me enjoy all my favourite activities without having to worry.
Check out the ettusais website for the full range of skincare products, and give your skin that moisture and protection it needs.
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