How to get your man to dominate in bed?

It's my last week left in the UK... Can't believe it has already been a month since I've been here. Seriously missing some fried oyster and kway chap. 

I know that I've not been updating my blog often enough (so sorry, but this motherhood thing takes up most of my day because I have no maid/sitter/etc heck, I never even had a confinement nanny or  any kind of help since the start, so I find it hard to have the time to even like have a shower, let alone sit down, put my legs up, sip an icy cold beverage and write a blog). But I don't mind the work, it is my own choice not to have any helper and I also don't want to bother my mum who has her own hard work taking care of my disabled sister. And good thing is, taking care of my baby is what helped me tone up and lose all that pregnancy weight so quickly. Plus I love doing things for my baby (though sometimes when I'm exhausted and still have to pace about and rock her to sleep  at the end of the day, I do feel quite desperate. Lol)

Anyway, I'm thinking of doing a Facebook Live video recording/ broadcast (or whatever that new feature is called) at a fixed time one of these days and then U can go to my facebook and watch us (myla and I) on Facebook live and ask questions which I will answer in real time. And maybe U can follow me around my day. Does that sound interesting ? How long a broadcast is ideal? 30mins? What day and time slot is best? Weekday evening? Weekend morning? Do let me know what U think.

By the way, I am still writing my love and sex column at MyFatPocket (& have been doing so for years now!). You no longer have to log on to the website in order to read my articles. It's open to everyone:)

Click here to read - how to get your man to dominate in bed.


  1. Anonymous12:09 pm

    if we can't make it for the broadcast does it leave a video recording that your readers can watch when we're free to?

    1. Yes :)

      But if not many ppl make the broadcast, it would be damn boring and loserish for me to sit there recording without interaction bahahaha

      Cos during broadcast, viewers can type in a chat that appears below the video in real time as well

  2. hi Holly, i love that you made the decision to take care of Myla all by yourself. That is what i did too with my baby. Best decision ever. Because you really will have a great bond with her and you get to see all her milestones. Its amazing. Its so tiring but worth it.


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